10 Tips To Keep Your Mind Healthy and Happy

Maida Qureshi
3 min readOct 1, 2021

Do you sometimes think this pandemic, this corona is making you loose your temper, your cool, that your mental health is at stake?

Staying positive is very important in life, especially when you mind says “All is lost”

Did you know that stress, grief and depression are examples of negative effects on your brain?

It’s hard to keep your self in balance, think positively, when there is so much negativity around, and this pandemic has taught and has brought so much negativity with it

Down below are 10 tips to keep your mind healthy because, let’s face it, our mind is always working and as humans we love to create and discover

1: Bring out your inner child

Get those creative juices flowing
Grab a pen. pencil and paper and sketch out
Meet the new you!

2: Read any good book lately

You have all the time to read those books you have been keeping behind the shelf, pick one, have a nice warm drink or better yet a nice cold beverage with a tiny umbrella, settle o your most comfy chair or couch and fall into the world of words.

3: Gardening? I think, yes

Nature is the best to escape all that negativity you’ve been feeling and with a garden outside, what more do you want?

How about spending some quality time with your favorite potted plants?

4: A meal fit for King or perhaps a Queen

Not to sound mean but did you know a meal becomes a banquet when you eat alone.

5: Kitchen!!! I’m on my way

Something smells really delicious!! Now that you are at home you can try all those new recipes that you were dying to try but couldn’t manage the time.

6: It’s chill’ax with Max day

Spend some time with your dog lately?
Well now you can cause’ it’s chill’ax with max day.

When you relax, your mind also goes into relaxation and all those negative thoughts and emotion dissappear into thin air, so relax more often than usual.

7: Family fun day

The family altogether, what are you waiting for? Christmas?

No time like the present.

8: Jog up those muscle

Our brain helps and controls all the system of our body, and it needs to be active, not fat and lazy and the best way to stay fit is, yes, you know it, exactly, excersise.

Get up

Put those muscles to good use,

Sitting idly won’t get you anywhere near fit and don’t forget just like your mental health your physical fitness is also very important

Don’t become a couch potato!!

9: Bed time!!

Sleep a full of 8 hours, trust me, you’ll feel amazing.

Positively light headed.

10: Focus on the positive

Positivity revolves all around you, it’s just a matter of finding it.

So there you are, 10 tips to keep your brain happy and healthy.

“ Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy”

This quote of Paulo Coelho is very much correct, for if you don’t find happiness in what you are doing then you won’t be able to give your it your 100% percent.

Which of these tips you think you will like to do?

If not the world, then your house is your own, try all of them.

